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How to get my baby to sleep anywhere?

How to get my baby to sleep anywhere?
15 Feb, 2014

How to get my baby to sleep anywhere?

To Answer The WHAT –

For some of us, though, a consistent schedule for baby can lead to the onset of serious cabin fever for mom or dad! That consistent schedule can contain two or three (or even four or five!) naps, which can make it impossible to get out of the house during the day. Being house-bound might work for some parents, but for others, being “trapped” at home can be maddening. Whether you and your baby are introverts or extroverts will make a big difference!


So what’s a “get out and go” mom (or dad) to do? We get this question quite a bit here at The Baby Sleep Site — moms want to teach their babies healthy sleep habits, but they don’t want to be confined by a rigid schedule. “Can I teach my baby to sleep when I’m on the go?” these moms ask. This article will attempt to answer that question.


If your schedule (and by extension, your baby’s) is fairly consistent from day to day, and you only have one or two interruptions to that schedule each week, you’ll likely have few issues when it comes to getting your baby to sleep well. Most babies (although not all!) can handle a few variations in the routine. But if you’re out of the house constantly, and your days look nothing alike, it can be hard to get your baby sleeping well.


Then The HOW –

Keep it simple

Days before you head out, check if your baby’s pre-sleep routine needs streamlining. It should be short and sweet, and others should be able to duplicate it. Tots who are always nursed to sleep or rocked in a special chair will have a harder time with a crib switch than those with a no-fuss tuck-in. Try out your new version before you travel. If you usually handle bedtime, have your husband take over, or vice versa.


Do a practice run

If you’re planning to bring along a portable crib, set it up at home a few days in advance. Use it when you put him down for naps so he can get accustomed to it. Work up to having him sleep in it at night.


Make the new familiar

Once you’ve decamped, a favorite tune or frequently heard story will remind him of home and may help to settle him down.


Block the view

“Some babies who sleep alone at home may cry to be picked up if they see Mom and Dad in the room with them,” explains Dr. Owens. One solution may be to position the crib so that part of it is behind an open closet door.


Last but not least, while you do want your baby to be flexible about her sleeping quarters, try to avoid making car or stroller naps a habit when you’re out and about. Sure, you can’t help it if your baby nods off en route, but regular on-the-go naps aren’t such a great idea for several reasons. For one thing, the quality of sleep is often not as good, and your baby may not be ready to wake up (or go back to sleep) when you arrive at your destination. She might also be pretty darn cranky. What’s best: Your baby learns to associate sleeping with a horizontal space (even if it’s portable) rather than her car seat or stroller.

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