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How to feed a sleeping baby?

How to feed a sleeping baby?
20 Nov, 2013

How to feed a sleeping baby?

For some people, a dream feed will be a Godsend. This is how it works: Baby goes to sleep around 7 p.m., you dream feed (feed the baby when he is asleep) around 10 p.m. before you go to bed, and baby might sleep until 4 or 6 a.m. or later, giving you a glorious 6 to 8 hours of sleep straight. Go to bed early and have your partner/spouse give the dream feed and you can get even more sleep! When it works, a dream feed is a wonderful thing. Unfortunately, they don’t always work.


Why do you need to feed your newborn so frequently?

  • Baby’s tummy empties easily. Part of it stems from the fact that babies digest breast milk so easily and quickly (as soon as 90 minutes after a feeding). That speedy digestion, coupled with your tot’s tiny tummy (which at 2 weeks is only slightly bigger than a ping-pong ball) means your baby has a physiological need to nurse every two to three hours. (To compare, a formula-fed baby can go four to five hours or so between feedings during the first month because formula takes longer to digest.)
  • He might snooze through hunger. Most of the time, babies will send out hunger cues (lip smacking, rooting, finger sucking) and a hearty cry when their tummy is empty, signaling you to provide. But during those first few sleepy weeks at home, babies can sometimes snooze through their feeding alarm.
  • Baby needs to gain weight. First, it can slow down their newborn weight gain. (Newborns normally lose about 7 percent of their body weight after birth, and need to spend the first few weeks gaining it back.)
  • You need to boost your milk supply. Not feeding often enough can slow down your milk production: Right now you’re only just establishing the demand-and-supply cycle that keeps pumping out the perfect amount of milk to meet your baby’s needs, and if you go for long periods without being tapped, you might reduce the amount you make.
  • For these reasons, try to gently rouse your sleeping-like-a-baby baby when he’s overdue for a feeding.



If your baby is a sleepy baby, try these rousing techniques at mealtime:

  • Choose a time when baby is in an active sleep period — or REM sleep — because if baby’s in deep sleep, other efforts may prove futile. Recognize REM sleep because baby will move his arms and legs, change his facial expressions and flutter his eyelids.
  • Slowly unswaddle him.
  • Change his diaper, singing a song or stroking his hands and the soles of his feet.
  • Hold him newborn upright; it usually causes newborns to open their eyes.
  • Dim the lights. Though it may seem counterintuitive, if the room is too bright, your baby may be more comfy with those peepers tightly shut.
  • Be sociable: sing a song, talk to your baby and, once you get his eyes open, make eye contact.
  • Massage your baby’s hands, the soles of his feet, his arms, back and shoulders.
  • Place a cool (not cold) washcloth on his forehead.


If you’re still concerned about whether he’s getting enough to eat, talk to your pediatrician about whether his weight gain is on a healthy track. And keep tabs on dirty diapers (because what goes in, must come out!). Look for at least five large, seedy, mustardy bowel movements a day and at least eight to ten wet diapers.

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