Family games with even for toddler
Family game night is a big deal in our household, but sometimes It’s hard to find games and activities that are easy enough for toddlers to play, but still hold the interest of older kids and parents.
There are actually loads of fun-filled family games that even the littlest ones in the family can participate in and love! I’ve rounded up a bunch of my family’s favorites. Check them out.
Roll & Play. Designed for children 18 months and up and 2 or more players, Roll & Play is the perfect first game for young families to play together. Players roll a big, plush, color sided cube and whatever color they roll, they identify and choose a coordinating card. The cards say fun things like “Moo like a cow!” or “Make a scary face”. There’s a pocket in the cube to hold the durable cards, which makes the game super portable and easy to cleanup. Roll & Play reinforces the learning of colors, shapes, sounds and emotions while teaching kids to take turns, follow rules and cheer other players on.
Guess who game. Use some wooden spoons to feel around and try to guess which family member you are touching with the spoons. Seems like it could be a great time
Shrinking island. This one looks like a riot! Place some wash cloths onto the floor as “islands” and slowly take one away at a time while playing music, then watch them scramble to get onto the nearest island!
Lego Tic Tac Toe. Create a fun game of Lego tic tac toe and hold a family tournament!