10 Family Activities to Help Connecting with Your Toddlers
In today’s activity-packed society, it’s more important than ever to intentionally connect with your kids. Here are 10 family activities ideas that can help you get to know your children better and pass on a legacy of faith and fun.
1. During dinner ask everyone to share one piece of both good news and bad news from the day.
2. Have regular “Kids’ Nights to Cook.” Set up a restaurant atmosphere in your home and create some lifetime memories. Little ones will enjoy decorating the table and making special menus for the evening.
3. Visit a local bookstore with your children and ask them to help you choose a family devotional. Then work through it together.
4. If you have a sports enthusiast in your home, ask him or her to give you and your spouse regular updates about what’s going on in the world of sports—both locally and nationally.
5. Do a one-on-one activity with each child at least once a week.
6. Once a week after mealtime, draw names to see who will be in the “hot seat.” (Discard each name after it is drawn so everybody will eventually be chosen.) Family members will ask the person in the “hot seat” a question that cannot be answered “Yes” or “No.”
8. When bringing the kids to school, take turns in sharing the most thankful thing happened yesterday.
9. After dinner, rotate sharing a “joke of the day.”
10. Music Jamming. This can be a fun way to bond! Put on some music and get instruments out and play along, or even better, play real musical instruments and create songs together.
Taking the time to connect with kids really shows that you love them more than anything else you can do or say.